Here are some staggering facts and statistics about the state of the human colon:
Many experts believe that the average person has 5-20 pounds of accumulated waste matter in their colon, While a person with a toxic colon can have 40 pounds or more.
The healthy transit time of food through our body is less than 24 hours.
Today, with processed foods lacking enzymes and natural fibers and loaded with refined sugar, combined with a more sedentary and less active lifestyle, the transit time is slowing down to 70 hours!
In the USA, over 100,000 colostomy surgeries are performed each year to remove part or all of a diseased colon.
The National Institute of Health published a survey that showed 4.5 million Americans are constipated most or all the time.
In the USA, over 2.5 million doctor visits per year are made by patients who complain of constipation.
80% of all disease and discomfort is related to a toxic colon - due to impacted fecal matter.
Constipation usually occurs when stools remain in the colon (large intestine) for too long, and the colon absorbs too much water from the stools, causing them to become hard and dry.
Treatment process:
A session is a fun and relaxing experience. It is not embarrassing and done in complete privacy. Clients insert the disposable tip for water intake themselves for privacy and comfort. We offer the open automated system that allows the cleansing without the technician presence in the room. You will be fully covered, reclining, and lying comfortably in the hydrotherapy machine during the treatment. A trained therapist helps the person maintain maximum dignity during the session and explains all the details of the process. A very relaxing and comfortable experience. You will be alone in the treatment room, but if you feel unwell or feel uneasy, you can always press the buzzer for support.
How is a session given?
When you visit our clinic, we ask that you fill out a medical questionnaire. An I-ACT certified therapist then escorts you to the treatment room, explains the process, and leaves the room for you to change into a gown. You lie on your back and insert a small rectal tube into yourself about 1.5 inches into the rectum. Then you cover up, ring the buzzer, and we'll come to start the water flow and leave. It is a very gentle stream of filtered UV-sanitized warm water. It fills you and you eject it whenever you feel the urge. This process is repeated throughout the 30-45 minute session. During this time, you can enjoy the "viewing screen" that shows what is coming out (optional). During the treatment, you will be alone in the treatment room, but if you feel unwell or feel uneasy, you can always press the buzzer for support. Our treatment rooms are clean, cozy, and quiet. Each hydrotherapy session lasts at least 30 minutes or more. Allow up to 1 hour for the visit to complete the medical history form and discuss the consent form. Your colon hydrotherapist will discuss contraindications (which are rare) and review your medical history. An I-ACT certified therapist then escorts you to the treatment room, walks you through the process, and leaves you ready to go.
It varies on a case-by-case basis. It depends on the individual's health condition, symptoms, and goals.
For example, people who suffer from chronic constipation may need a series of follow-up sessions over several weeks to retrain their bowel, 4-6 sessions in a row, as opposed to those looking for preventive measures.
The recommended schedule is best determined by reviewing your medical history during the first session. Once the first batch is complete, maintenance can begin. We recommend maintenance once a month. Maintenance is required to continue all the wonderful benefits already given to the body in the first series. It helps keep the load to a minimum.
Remember that one hydrotherapy session equals multiple bowel movements, but bowel movements can be even more important in subsequent sessions as old, hard, and dirty feces loosen from the colonic wall. stay here.
For more info or to schedule a FREE no-commitment consultation call now 720-650-0680. During the consultation you tell us about your specific goals, and we come up with an appropriate personalized recommendations & the incredible price for you. We are here to help in any way we can and work with you to find the best way to meet your needs.You will not be disappointed. That's our promise.
Effects Of A Toxic Colon:
80% of all diseases and discomfort can be related to a toxic colon. Yet, most people are unaware they have an unhealthy colon. People are not making the connection between an unhealthy colon and an unhealthy body. However, an unhealthy colon can adversely affect your total health, including all the systems of your body.
If we abuse and neglect our colon and hinder the elimination process, the toxins that should be removed will continue to build up and be reabsorbed into the bloodstream. This creates a serious health issue known as autointoxication or self-poisoning.
Autointoxication is the process in which the body literally poisons itself by maintaining a cesspool of decaying matter in its colon. This inner cesspool can contain as high a concentration of harmful bacteria as a cesspool under a house.
The toxins released by the decay process get into the bloodstream and travel to all parts of the body. Every cell in the body gets affected, and many forms of sickness can result. Because it weakens the entire system, autointoxication can be considered a cause for nearly any disease.
Many experts believe that all diseases begin in the colon! Not only does the decaying food produce toxic substances and provide a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, but it also blocks the intestine from absorbing good nutrients. This all leads to an unhealthy body.
Colonic Treatment - Completely Private and Safe
A colon cleanse is a popular remedy that removes waste and toxins from the colon. Colon cleansing improves health by removing toxins, boosting your energy, and enhancing your immune system.
Colon hydrotherapy is the gentle infusion of water into the large intestine to rid it of accumulated waste, gas, mucus, undigested food, and other toxins. Improves muscle tone and promotes the natural peristalsis required for efficient waste removal and nutrient absorption. Accumulation of toxic waste can cause a variety of health problems. A colon is a gentler method of elimination than an enema. This is due to the controlled low water pressure. All waste products are removed through a hose, also a colon cleanser. It is safer to use than laxatives because there are no drugs involved and no potentially harmful side effects.
Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy?
Colon hydrotherapy originated in ancient Greece to cleanse the colon. The theory is that the body retains waste products, which can lead to a variety of unwanted health problems. A colon cleanser can help. Many consider it a great way to get rid of unwanted toxins and improve colon function.
Prevents Constipation
The most common causes of constipation include not getting enough fiber in the daily diet, insufficient fluid intake, and lack of exercise. When waste is permitted to accumulate for longer than normal, it increases the chances of bacteria and toxins being absorbed back into your bloodstream. Regular colon hydrotherapy gives your bowel a spring clean and strengthens the muscles of your bowel, ensuring it remains healthy and constipation free.
Contributes to better digestion
When waste products remain in the body, it is easy to become constipated. This obviously interferes with normal digestion. A colon cleanse removes these wastes and other things that interfere with digestion. It also improves intestinal peristalsis and muscle tone. With these improvements, waste can be moved more easily.
Supports beneficial gut flora for colon health
Everybody needs good bacteria or intestinal flora for healthy functioning. Unfortunately, people who eat unhealthy and exercise very little tend to have more bad bacteria than good bacteria. Colon hydrotherapy flushes out bad bacteria and allows beneficial intestinal flora to thrive, returning the body to a healthy balance.
Encourages detoxification
The body can detoxify, but bad lifestyle habits and environmental chemicals can overload the system, making it difficult to get rid of all toxins. Colon cleansing helps the body flush out harmful substances such as toxins, parasites, gas, mucus, and dead cells.
Helps with weight loss
Colon hydrotherapy helps you lose weight by flushing out unwanted substances from your intestines. If you want long-term loss, cleansing allows you to start fresh and eat quality high-fiber food that fill you up and go through the digestive system quicker. The good bacteria that was mentioned earlier also helps energy levels, encouraging you to be more active. The good bacteria also help with energy levels and encourage you to be more active. We recommend limiting highly processed foods and foods to which some people are sensitive, such as dairy, gluten, eggs, peanuts and red meat. Eating mostly organically grown vegetables, fruit, whole non-glutenous grains, nuts, seeds and lean protein will help with weight loss and well-being. The colonic cleanse is great to combine with our non-invasive Fat & Cellulite reduction treatment.
Improves concentration and energy
What people eat affects their physical and mental health. If your gut can't absorb important vitamins and minerals, their levels can be low. Poor nutrition also contributes to low energy levels. Colon hydrotherapy cleanses the body and allows it to absorb the proper nutrients. This benefits the body and can lead to clearer, more energy.
A Healthy Colon:
The colon, or large intestine, is an important part of the digestive system. It is often referred to as the sewer system of the body.
The human colon must handle the bulk of the food we eat. Its lining includes sensitive nerves and glands that aid in the assimilation of food - especially vitamins, enzymes and water.
When the colon is working properly, its peristaltic (muscular, wave-like) motions move food through the system and eliminate unassimilated substances in the form of waste within 16-24 hours of eating.
A healthy individual, with a clean and healthy colon, will have two bowel movements per day. They should be large, well-formed, buoyant and not accompanied by a foul odor.
Needless to say, a healthy colon is essential to a healthy body.
What Is A Toxic Colon?
Over time, your colon may become unhealthy and lose its ability to properly eliminate all the waste materials from your digestive tract. This is due to a combination of the following: Poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, drug intake, lifestyle, and a variety of other factors.
When the human colon becomes less active, the body does not eliminate its waste materials as effectively. Therefore, when the elimination process is not functioning properly, deposits of waste matter build up along the wall of your colon or in the pockets of the colon.
Normally, your body pushes waste out of your colon in 16 to 24 hours. When you're not able to eliminate them properly, these wastes remain in your body for days.
Even worse, if some of this waste material deposits along the colon wall, it may not leave for months or even years. Amazingly, these deposits of hardened fecal matter can get to be 2 or 3 inches thick and as hard as tire rubber.
The average healthy person who is not constipated will carry about 5-20 pounds of fecal matter in their intestines and colon at any one time. However, people who are constipated or irregular can be carrying up to 40 pounds or more of this toxic fecal matter, which is continually poisoning their bodies and organs.
Is colon hydrotherapy safe?
Yes. In fact, sessions with our colonic system used at ENLIGHTEN TAN & MED SPA are much safer and easier than regular enemas.
Do the treatments hurt?
No. In fact, many people report that colonic hydrotherapy sessions are both refreshing and relaxing.
How does a colon hydrotherapy treatment compare to an enema?
While enemas only reach the rectum and lower part of the colon, colonic hydrotherapy reaches the entire length of the colon, making the effect many times greater.
Is there a possibility of bacterial or viral contamination from the previous use of the colon hydrotherapy device?
We utilize pre-sterilized, disposable speculums and covers. These disposables are used only once during a single therapy session. All the surfaces are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with FDA approved cleaning solution. There is absolutely no danger of contamination.
Will I experience any intestinal discomfort or fatigue after the cleansing?
Usually not, but everyone is different. Some people report a slight feeling of fatigue, which is similar to the feeling after a hard workout. A hot drink after a session is usually very soothing. If you have any concerns, please consult a colon hydrotherapist.
Is colon hydrotherapy embarrassing?
It is not embarrassing and done in complete privacy. Clients insert the disposable tip for water intake themselves for privacy and comfort. We offer the open automated system that allows the cleansing without the technician presence in the room. A trained therapist helps the person maintain maximum dignity during the session. A very relaxing experience.
Will a treatment completely empty out the colon?
Mild number cleansing requires 2-3 sessions per week, depending on the client. Because we are constantly eating and drinking, the large intestine is never completely empty. The goal of colon cleansing is to remove feces and other toxins that have built up over time, not to attempt to completely empty the colon of normal, everyday waste products.
Is the water filtered?
Yes, the Colon System features a 3-stage water filtration system combined with UV light for disinfection, particle removal, chlorine reduction, and bacteria and virus reduction.